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Become a happy 3D pro artist

Are you interested in learning Unreal Engine, Blender, or Photography ? My courses will teach you to find your way, make a living and find happiness.

Start your Art Journey


How my courses are different from other course creators?

I emphasis on mental health and complementary artistic skills.

Mental health is the foundation of everything. If you don't know how to manage your time, feelings and energy, how can you achieve your dream goals ? How can you even start when you feel paralyzed ?

I've been there. For years. I progressed slowly and struggled with depressions, decision paralysis, brainfog, terrible self esteem, lack of clarity and direction, and fear of socialisation. 

But I found a way and I want to share it. For FREE.

Unlock your full potential

For years i've been adviced to focus on one thing only, and it blocked me so hard, because as many artists I have dozens of passions; But I finally learnt how to use them all. 

Do only what you love

Don't work into a domain that doesn't attract you. I'll give you direction and clarity so you can develop your dream career by finding or creating your dream job.

Make genuine friends & share

Other communities and courses have ZERO module on mental health and well being. Students are afraid to share their struggles and feelings. Our community invite students to share what's in their mind, as dark it might be. I've been there. Don't grow alone.

Everything you need

To use your full potential i'll teach you the softwares and theory you need. Photography is an essential, Blender and Unreal are incredible, and I pack my courses with amazing bonuses!

I'm Xav, Nice to meet you!

Xavier "Wanderboy" Albert

Coach & Founder of XA Studio

    Visual Artist in the CG industry, Architect/Designer and Photographer, I help artists overcome obstacles in Art Direction, Design, CG Softwares, Mental Health and Life Goals.

    I've been teaching Design, Architecture, Photography, Blender & Unreal online since 2017. I help students & struggling freelancers find direction and fulfillement in their creative journey, get their diplomas, and find a job in the industry.

Happy learning !

 what do i teach ?

All the skills to become a Thriving artist.

Step-by-Steps systems to teach you, right from the beginning, how to create amazing art without stress.

I designed the courses to teach you skills in a highly efficient way, without procrastinating and getting overwhelmed. The mental health and organisation module are here to help you start, and get out of a rut. With the portfolio module, kickstart your carreer.

Find Clarity and direction

First things first. Let's do the point with your goals, your mental health and your passions. I'll help you find clarity in your life and art goals.

General art direction rules

Almost all art domains have in common design, color, and composition rules and theory. I explain them when needed, in a clear and interesting way to make your scene outstanding.

Create the best portfolio

An amazing work needs an amazing showcase. Follow my steps to build a beautiful portfolio and attract clients & fans. I honestly never got work by sending job applications.

Photography & film

As a photographer and filmmaker I connect all my art with those two passions. They have essential rules like composition, light, colors, scale, and I teach you to apply it to any project.

Unreal Engine & Blender

Those two are the foundation of my scenes and short movies. I teach you to manage a project from A to Z with the same workflow I've been affining for years. I also give bonuses to gain time and organize yourself.

Photoshop, Lightroom, Davinci Resolve

Thumbnails, logos and picture editing are a big need to make your portfolio stand out. Learn simple technics to create those. Use Revolve to enhance and compose your CG videos.

 Not sure where to start?

Start learning Unreal for FREE

I designed the 5 days Unreal Challenge so you can start without getting overwhelmed. Packed with bonuses and a clean Notion command center.

Download our free Ressources

The mental health guide is here to help you from the start, and get out of a rut. The Starter files save you ton of time and help you stay organized !