Make a stunning portfolio scene in 5 days for FREE.

Do you dream of learning Unreal Engine ? 

UE 5 has a steep learning curve and can be really taunting for beginners.
But you're in good hands! I've been teaching 3D and Unreal Engine since 2017.

To help people start worldwide I created ... 👇

The Free 5 days Unreal Engine Challenge.

Learn to create a pro level environement, for FREE.

All the steps you need to start your journey in Unreal. We even do the brutalist architecture environment modeling straight in the editor.

The meshes come from integrated Quixel Bridge. No need of other apps. Chapters are cut to be easy to digest.

What is it !?

Begginer friendly,  short & organized introduction course

The course has been cut in 5 days so you feel guided, learn time management basics and you won't feel overwhelmed.

Install Unreal Engine & Quixel

Be guided through the setup of the most powerful, CG engine ever and its FREE addon Quixel.

Start a project the right way

A lesson is dedicated to organisation, to the brief & picture we will recreate and how to make it unique.

Only one software

We will create the whole scene in Unreal only with modeling tools & the power of Quixel. No other softwares or external assets aside the Human ref. 

Learn how materials work

I'll teach you how basics materials function in UE, and we'll create basics master materials that can be tweaked.

Art theory

A lesson is dedicated to Art direction 101 to give you clarity on how to make great visuals, plus advices for photographic composition.

Lighting & Rendering
We'll go through properly lighting a scene, set an atmosphere, sun & clouds, and visual tweaks in post-process.

Create a stunning brutalist architecture scene for free

Create simple, tweakable Materials

Use the amazing cinematic tools

Give life & details with Quixel free assets

Create a beautiful atmosphere in 2 clicks

  Not only it's free, but it's also packed with gifts !  

Not only free, but packed with goodies !

A pack of free ready to use simple materials, the same ones we'll learn to create, so everytime you start a project you can just import it and save time and efforts.

Access to our Discord server, make friends, build a nice community and ask help & feedback on your projects !
We also talk health and diet!

A Notion template with a free mental health guide to help you get rid of anxiety and start create. You'll also get a weekly planner to print and a pureref template.

A ready-to-use empty folders pack you can just copy & paste everytime you start a new project. Helps keeping order & clarity in your files and also save time.

I'm Xav, Nice to meet you!

Xavier "Wanderboy" Albert

Coach & Founder of XA Studio

    Visual Artist in the CG industry, Architect/Designer and Photographer, I help artists overcome obstacles in Art Direction, Design, CG Softwares, Mental Health and Life Goals.

    I've been teaching Design, Architecture, Photography, Blender & Unreal online since 2017. I help students & struggling freelancers find direction and fulfillement in their creative journey, get their diplomas, and find a job in the industry.

Happy learning !

It's time to start.

Get the ultimate free Unreal course right here.

Unreal 5 Days Challenge


  • The ultimate free UE course.

    • Brutalist scene course
    • Access to Discord
    • Free Notion Template
    • Free Materials
    • Free Ressources
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